How Aloha Guides the Successful Yacht Purchase:  A 3 Step Process 

How Aloha Guides the Successful Yacht Purchase:  A 3 Step Process 

Perhaps everyone in the world has heard of the Hawaiian word, “Aloha,” but few have taken the time to deeply absorb the beauty of this ancient expression. 

According to Hawaiian tradition the word Aloha is actually a combination of 3 words:

  • “A” (Ahhh) – an expression of beauty such as when one sees the sunset in the morning and sighs, “Ahhhhhh.”
  • “Lo” – the connectedness and balance of all things, both those living and those that have come before.
  • “Ha” – the breath of life, or “spirit” of life, such as when a baby is born and they take their first breath, or when a loved one passes, and they take their last.

With our eyes and hearts tuned to the success of those before us, 35 Yacht Sales uses Aloha as our fundamental principle in support of the specification of *your* yachting goals. We leverage our experience to ensure that the loving, connected, powerful, adventure-filled feelings you desire are “Brought into Connected Balance” with the Yacht (or Yachting Business) that is most efficiently and specifically *designed* to compliment you and your family.

35 Yacht Sales’ ultimate objective is to see the “Ha” or breath of life, fill the sails of your yachting dreams.  After all, that’s why we are in this business! The more of us that experience the beauty and satisfaction of yachting, the more *spirit* there is for *all of us* to share. 

Help us raise the tide of yachting in this world. Set up a time to speak with one of our trained consultants about turning your yachting dreams into reality!

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